Fellowship & Education

Bible Study

Wednesday mornings at 10 AM throughout the year parishioners and friends meet in the Chapel to read and discuss Old and New Testament Scripture. The conversation is fun, interesting, informative, and lively. All are welcome to attend.


The Bibliophiles explore, read, and discuss some of the finest literature from a wide range of literary genres and historical periods. Every six to nine months the group selects and publishes a reading list based on the recommendations of the group’s participants. Each month the group focusses on one of these selections, meets, and discusses its content. from selections recommended by participants in the group. The group this Summer and Fall. If you are interested in participating in this group, contact Charles Carrillo chascarrillo@aol.com for additional information.

Daughters of the King (DOK)

The Order of the Daughters of the King is a national organization of women who follow a Rule of Life that includes prayer, service and evangelism.  The St. Matthias chapter meets on the third Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m.  All women in the parish are welcome to explore this option for spiritual growth and community. For more information, contact the Church Office at office@stmatthiaswhittier.org.         

Divine Connection Through Body & Breath

Divine Connection Through Body & Breath takes place every Sunday at 2PM. Facilitated by Cynthia Orsini-Dahl, the group participates in a session of movement, meditation and breathing, a spiritually invigorating yet physically calming practice designed to strengthen the body’s flexibility and balance while energizing the participants’ breathing, helping them to uplift their spirits, relax their minds and strengthen their emotional and physical well-being. Cynthia’s goal is to guide each participant toward actively engaging on three levels in communion with God whether happy or sad or in between emotional moments.  Contact Cynthia at cynthia@cynthiaorsinidahl.com for specifics regarding this group.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

ECW is the umbrella organization for all women’s ministries of the church and includes opportunities for service, study and spiritual growth.  All women of St. Matthias are welcome.  Current women’s ministries include Book Group, Stitchery Group, Social Justice Group, Events Group (attends lectures, concerts together), and a Connections Group focused on connecting the women and girls of St. Matthias.  For more information, contact the Church Office at office@stmatthiaswhittier.org.

Men's Breakfast (Men Eating Badly)

The men of Saint Matthias meet for breakfast at the Greenleaf Café every first Saturday of each month at 8 AM. There is a very short theological program and breakfast, or as we say, “Men eating badly.” For more information, contact the Church Office at office@stmatthiaswhittier.org.

Our Time Halloween Crafting, October 2018

Our Time Halloween Crafting, October 2018

Our Time

Our Time, a group for senior parishioners, meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 2 PM in the Saint Matthias Chapel (just east of the Sanctuary). In the past the group has taken up jewelry making, wine tasting, and making Christmas ornaments, and hosted speakers like a representative from the League of Women Voters and local historian and author Mike Garabedian.

Saint Elizabeth’s Guild

The Saint Elizabeth’s Guild provides fellowship for the women of the church. The group meets at noon on the third Thursday of each month for a potluck luncheon.